Guide: How to Get Your Op-Ed Published

Writing opinion pieces for the media is a powerful way of shifting the public conversationHere are some great tips to get you started.

  • Respond to a clear need – discussing issues that have already captured public attention is highly likely to be newsworthy

  • Back yourself – with clear evidence, or compelling personal experiences

  • Be ready for criticism – there will be a whole range of different perspectives on what you have to say, and being ready to continue the conversation is key

  • Write well – proofreading and spell checks go a really long way

  • Know who and when to send your pieces to – there is usually a contact person for each publication that can be easily searched for on the web, and a required timeframe by which pieces are to be submitted.

Here is also Aan Op-ed on how to write Op-Eds that breaks down the above tips in a bit more detail. Good luck writing!


Guide: So you wanna blockade?


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