Guide: Log Frame Matrix - A Time Poor Campaigner’s Best Mate
A simple tool to make campaign planning and project management a pleasure!
A frequent challenge we face in campaign work is starting with a killer tactic and trying to retro-fit it to an campaign objective. We’ve all been there “But I love this idea so much, I just want to do it anyway!”.
A Log Frame Matrix (Or logical framework matrix) is a simple tool used by project managers to help ensure there is a logical and practical flow to campaign activities. I.e it makes sure that all tactics or activities are contributing to the overall goal and objectives of the campaign. It also helps us to measure and evaluate our campaign effectively. Its also a great process to go through as a team to help everyone agree on strategy and tactics.
The SMART acronym is a helpful first step for this (i.e Is our objective Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound?)
And the Log Frame Matrix helps us to think through what we’re going to do in order to win and how we’re going to measure it. (If it can’t be measured, sometimes it’s best to leave it out!)
After you’ve completed your Log Frame you also have a built in “To do” list that you can pop into a project management tool (podio, asana) or into a Gantt chart.
So, for example:If the Australian Ice cream lovers wanted to build the ice cream movement to ensure good policy that supported ice cream, you’d start by defining the goal: (Can be aspirational)To build the movement of Ice Cream lovers in Australia before the national conference of Ice Cream, in order to influence policy on Ice Cream.Then outline your (SMART) Objectives:
To increase the number of core advocates (leaders) and those regularly active in the Ice Cream campaigning /advocacy space in Australia
To generate significant media on the amount of people loving ice cream in the lead up to the national Ice Cream conference.
To build funds for the long term running of the Ice Cream campaign.
Smart Objectives Table
Adding your activities
Inputs into Matrix
More inputs into Matrix
At this point the matrix becomes useful as a way of defining what you’re going to measure and how you're going to measure it: So we have our general objectives.
Now we need to think through, logically, how we’re going to achieve them. This is the fun bit where we brainstorm tactics and activities. It’s important that this happens after the objective setting so you can make sure your activities all contribute to achieving your SMART objectives.
Next step is to break it down further to inputs – what you need to do to complete your activity / make your activity a success. This essentially becomes your team’s to do list – which you can then convert into a timeline or Gantt Chart. But importantly, everything on your to do list relates to you completing an activity, and every activity relates to you achieving your objectives. And most importantly – everything is measurable!
You'll find a pdf of this post that you can download and keep for future reference here, and log frame matrix template in this google doc.