Upcoming events and trainings

Corporate Campaigning Masterclass
The Corporate Campaigning Masterclass is a two-day training in winning campaigns targeting corporations. The masterclass offers a deep-dive into corporate structure and strategy, alongside skill building workshops shareholder activism, brand pressure, organising staff and litigation.

Generative AI for Advocacy Workshop
A unique training series designed to demystify the world of AI and equip you with the essential skills to leverage generative AI to drive systemic change.

Introduction to Campaigning Workshop
A two-day workshop for new and emerging changemakers to develop the vital skills to create systems change through strategic campaigning.

Leadership 2025
The pivotal event for Australian civil society leaders at Old Parliament House, Canberra, and online.

Organising Essentials
A three-day intensive workshop series for new and emerging organisers to develop the foundational skills and essential frameworks in community organising practice to build people power.

2025 Spring Progress Fellowship (Online)
The Spring Progress Fellowship is our flagship leadership course for advocates, campaigners, activists and changemakers to build your skills in best practice campaign strategy, equip you with the skills, tools and frameworks to lead winning campaigns.

Management Masterclass
Management Masterclass is a unique training offering modules for managers to turbo-boost their skills in best practice management to lead their teams to win.

FWD+Organise 2024
FWD+ORGANISE 2024 is a two-day conference convening 300 community organisers and digital campaigners to come together and share practical skills, learn innovative approaches to advocacy, and build lasting collaborations to win systemic change.

Media Spokesperson Training
The Economic Media Centre’s Media Spokesperson Training is a two-day program for change makers working on issues connected to economic and social justice.

First Nations Media Training
Build your confidence and skills in telling your story, your way. Speak up on issues that affect your community. Learn how to engage with the media to shift the narrative and build First Nations justice.

Training of Trainers Workshop
A three-day workshop designed for advocacy leaders to build the skills and confidence to deliver high impact training and facilitation.

Webinar: People, Power, Change with Marshall Ganz
A webinar featuring global community organising expert Marshall Ganz from Harvard University discussing his upcoming book, ‘People Power Change: Organizing for Democratic Renewal’ in conversation with Wil Stracke, Assistant Secretary, Victorian Trades Hall Council.

Common Threads
A three-day summit designed for and by First Nations people to connect, yarn, share, learn, strategise and plan for action.

Briefing: “By Us, For Us” - A Disability Messaging Guide
Join the Disability Advocacy Network Australia and Australian Progress for the launch of a groundbreaking research project to build widespread support for transformative disability policy change.

Webinar: Philanthropy - An Insider’s Guide for Fundraisers
Join Sue McKinnon and Rathana Chea together with Australian Progress Philanthropy Director, Cathy Kirwan, in our webinar as we share insights and advice into the world of philanthropic fundraising.

Webinar: Ready to Raise with Martin Paul (REGISTRATIONS NOW CLOSED)
Join fundraising expert Martin Paul at our two-hour Ready to Raise webinar to explore why fundraising matters and what organisations need to do to make their fundraising thrive.

Government Relations Masterclass in Canberra
A two day training in Canberra delivered by Australian Democracy Network and Australian Progress to build the skills and knowledge of changemakers leading policy advocacy.

Passing the Message Stick | online BRIEFING
First Nations-only briefing of the next phase of Passing The Message Stick, a groundbreaking message research project that has been designed to find the messages that build widespread support for transformative change on First Nations justice and self-determination. Running in Adelaide (July 28), Sydney (August 9 & 10), Melbourne (August 11) and Perth (August 21).

First Nations Advanced Media Workshop Training
Free two-day advanced media training workshop, designed by and for First Nations advocates and community members. Build confidence and skills in telling your story, speaking up on issues that affect your community and how to engage with media. Includes opportunity to join network of First Nations spokespeople with ongoing support.

Passing the Message Stick | public briefings
First Nations-only briefing of the next phase of Passing The Message Stick, a groundbreaking message research project that has been designed to find the messages that build widespread support for transformative change on First Nations justice and self-determination. Running in Adelaide (July 28), Sydney (August 9 & 10), Melbourne (August 11) and Perth (August 21).

Briefing: Passing the Message Stick Launch
Join us at the launch of Passing the Message Stick, a groundbreaking message research project to find the messages that build widespread support for transformative change in First Nations communities.

Briefing: Passing the Message Stick Launch (First Nations Only)
Join us at the launch of Passing the Message Stick, a groundbreaking message research project to find the messages that build widespread support for transformative change in First Nations communities. This event is for First Nations advocates and community only.

Winning Policy Advocacy Workshop
A two-day training offering campaigners and organisers the skills and strategies to advocate for policy reform under a federal Labor government.

Webinar: Government Relations in the New Parliament
Join government relations experts from Human Rights Law Centre, Australian Conservation Foundation and Hands Off Our Charities as we learn how Parliament works in this new context, how policy reforms are made under Labor, and how we can best position our campaigns to win.

Webinar: Winning Reform in the New Political Context
Join us in a special webinar to find out who’s who in the new Parliament, what to expect from the Labor government and the crossbench, and tips for how you can best position your campaigns to win.

Media Spokesperson Training | Disabled Peoples’ Organisations (FULL)
A two-day training for changemakers working on issues connected to economic justice combining media theory and practical interview simulations to equip you with media communications skills to maximise campaign success.
Looking for another event or training? Fill out our expression of interest below and we’ll be in touch with future dates.
Flagship events
We regularly host Australia's largest social change conference.
Our biennial convening of civil society CEOs at Old Parliament House.
A summit for Australia’s leading digital campaigning and organising experts.